Investor awareness is term used in investor relations to denote the knowledge the investment community has of a certain company. It is significant because investors base their investment decision on awareness and knowledge that they have of the company. If a company has a good investors awareness that means that investors have knowledge of, are conscious of a company and are very aware of its products and services. On the other side if company has bad investors awareness than company has not good visibility among investment community and that can lead to bad liquidity and undervaluation of your stock.
Do you think that your stock is currently undervalued? Is your stock thinly traded? Do you need to build liquidity to support financing or create a freer trading environment? There are more than 8,000 public companies quoted on the Over The Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) and Pink Sheets, and more than 200 market makers handling OTCBB stocks that are trading 34 trillion shares worth more than $2.5 trillion U.S. Most over the counter (OTC) stocks have no independent analyst coverage. Investopedia research indicates that stocks in this under-followed sector are undervalued by 20 to 40%. The challenge for investors is to find reliable sources of information on these “undiscovered” stocks. Legitimate OTC stocks rely on individual investors to keep a stock actively trading.
Reaching these investors is difficult. Getting them to follow and trade a particular stock is even more so. With more than 8,000 stories to tell, it is hard to get noticed. If you need to move your stock forward, you need investors to know about your company in the first place, and that means rising above all the clamor from the other 8,000 micro-cap companies. Then you need to tell your story right to capture investor interest. Liquidity is the ultimate challenge. Getting the story out is vital to success. At Mina Mar Marketing Group, we believe how you tell the story is a critical key to building liquidity. When we work with a client, we spend significant time researching the company to understand its business model and key success factors, and then communicating meaningful information to potential investors.
Our complex investor awareness programs deliver positive results to your company, and your shareholders will see these results through increasing price per share. We focus our initial investor awareness efforts on creating sound relationships with your investor base. This approach secures your company’s spot on the market and allows for safe and sustainable growth. To create this solid base, we fuse traditional techniques with cutting-edge technology to create a communication avenue between investors and your company.
We have developed a line of successful brands (Hiru Corporation, NW Tech Capital, Inc., Zamage Digital Art Imaging, Inc.) and we will develop a unique brand that suits you. Your new brand will help you re-position your company in the market, serve you to keep old customers interested and attract the right kind of new customers.
An investor awareness campaign by Mina Mar Marketing Group can enhance investor awareness of your company within the global financial community. Our investor relations campaign is broken down into two primary components for maximum impact.