The OTC markets has undergone changes that have affected many companies that have failed to remain current due to not providing adequate filings or transparency for the shareholders. The SEC penalty for not remaining current was to drop such companies to what is known as grey or expert market level. If you find yourself in this position Mina Mar Group can assist.
How will Mina Mar Group assist you?
The first step is to move your company out of the expert market to the OTCQB level by making your company current. In order to accomplish this Mina Mar will pay the following fees for you:
1. Fees to upgrade you to the OTCQB market
2. Fees required to pay an auditor
What other benefits will Mina Mar bring to your company?
Mina Mar will bring in a lead investor and a good merger company that will be a good fit for you. Mina Mar comes across a multitude of companies that are great viable companies with great potential and some that are already making millions of dollars. The companies that are already making millions of dollars are just looking for the next elevator up for their expansion needs or to propel themselves to the next level by purchasing a competitor thus increasing their profitability and their client base.
How does Mina Mar Group make this process a WIN/WIN for all involved?
CEO of public company that is already struggling to pay OTC markets to stay current due to being a startup gets relief funds from Mina Mar . Funds they would otherwise need to use to pay expenses and supplies such as: staff, rent and product.
OTC markets gets funds for the work that they do in ensuring that companies are up to date and transparent through their business progression.
SEC regulator is able to protect its shareholders from any bad actors and businesses that attempt to defraud shareholders of their hard earned dollars. By forcing companies to remain compliant.
Mina Mar and Investor charges his/her fees in the back end for assisting companies by providing them with the initial capital needed to take them out of the extensive expense required to stay compliant.
As you can see Mina Mar's solution is a win-win for all involved.
We can start working on your file immediately.
We only take a certain number of companies at a time.
Looking forward to working with you.
To apply, obtain information, or have any questions please complete the form below and someone in our office will contact you to discuss this opportunity.